We cater for all

and offer a fantastic variety of dance forms, including

Line Dancing
Matric Dance Lessons
Wedding Dance Lessons
Special Packages for Schools
Ballroom and Latin American

Classes, pricing and other important information

Group Classes, Drop-Ins and Member Group classes are fun, they challenge your learning pace and you can take with you the moves you like best.

The lessons are rotational, which provides space for repetition without getting bored, or frustrated with each other. This creates a really enjoyable atmosphere as everyone is in the same boat, and you will briefly get to meet most of the people in the rotation. After the lesson, there is freestyle session for approximately and hour.

Our aim is to empower everyone to get up on the dance floor, have fun, and dance with confidence and flair. To all the beautiful, young couples that we meet, thank you for allowing us to teach you to dance.

Our location

Venues & Timetables

We have classes at the following venues:

Corner of Fir & Papawer Streets, Northmead Ex 4, Benoni

Centurion, Pretoria East and Brooklyn – contact Su-marie at cerochq@gmail.com or visit www.ceroc.co.za

Private Classes

Classes | Private Group

Private Groups

We offer group Lessons, as well as private lessons, and we hold regular practice socials over and above the lessons. This gives you time to dance along with other students, in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.

8 hours | R960 per person | Minimum 3 couples | Booking essential

Private Couples Classes

From R400 per couple per hour.

Classes | Ballroom Group

Group Ballroom Classes

We hold regular practice socials so that you can practice what you have learnt over and above regular lessons. Group Ballroom and Latin classes are held weekly and include the following dances: Foxtrot, Hustle, Jive, Waltz, Cha-Cha, Samba, Viennese Waltz, Mambo, Argentine Tango, Quickstep, Rhumba, Sokkie.

Mondays | Practice 18:00 – 18:30 | Lesson 18:30 – 19:30 | R850 per couple per month.

Line Dancing

Welcome to Blitz n Boots Benoni.  Line Dancing is moving to music in a sequence, no partners needed. We try to keep the dances a good mix of current music, as well as some of the classics.

These classes are purely for fun and fitness and we use all types of genres of music from Country to modern pop. A great way to get active. Ballet and Contemporary are also covered in our schedule starting from as young as 3yrs.

Beginners Tuesdays 18:00 – 19:00 | Intermediate 19:00 – 20:00 | 1 class per week – R400 per month | 2 classes per week – R600 per month


Ballet Classes

Class Day Time Duration Cost
All Learners By Appointment 1 hour R650
Tiny Tots Under 5’s Mondays 9am 1 hour R550
Over 12’s Hip Hop By Appointment 1 hour R600
Adult Ballet By Appointment 1 hour R750
All Learners
Day By Appointment
Duration 1 hour
Cost R650
Tiny Tots Under 5’s
Day Mondays
Time 9am
Duration 1 hour
Cost R550
Over 12’s Hip Hop
Day By Appointment
Duration 1 hour
Cost R600
Adult Ballet
Day By Appointment
Duration 1 hour
Cost R750
Classes | Tiny Tots

Single Ladies Dance Class

Learn Latin and Ballroom.

Wednesdays | 18:00 | R750 per month

* All prices are subject to an annual increase due in January each year. 

Contact Us

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